P1 Registration

The Ultimate Guide to P1 Registration in Singapore: Why 1km and 2km Matter

Understanding P1 Registration in Singapore

P1 registration is a major milestone for parents in Singapore. It determines where your child will start their formal education journey, and the process can be highly competitive. Understanding the phases, balloting rules, and the impact of residential proximity—whether living within 1km of the school or 2km of the school—can significantly increase your child’s chances of securing a place.

Key Phases of P1 Registration

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has designed the P1 registration process to ensure fair allocation of spaces across multiple phases:

  • Phase 1: For children with siblings currently studying in the school.
  • Phase 2A: For children whose parents or siblings are alumni, school advisory committee members, staff member of the primary school or MOE Kindergarten under the purview of and located within the primary school.
  • Phase 2B: For children whose parents are active community leaders, school volunteers or a member endorsed by the church or clan directly connected with the primary school.
  • Phase 2C: Open to all children without prior ties to the school—this is when residential proximity (1km or 2km) plays a crucial role.
  • Phase 2C Supplementary: For those who were unable to secure a place in Phase 2C.

Why Living Within 1km or 2km of the School Matters

For children registering in every phase from Phase 2A onwards, vacancies are assigned based on citizenship and the distance between their residence and the school. Priority is given in the following order:

  1. Singapore Citizens (SCs) living within 1km of the school
  2. SCs living between 1km and 2km of the school
  3. SCs living beyond 2km of the school
  4. Permanent Residents (PRs) living within 1km of the school
  5. PRs living between 1km and 2km of the school
  6. PRs living beyond 2km of the school

P1 Registration

Why Does Balloting Happen?

Getting your child into a school of choice requires careful thought and strategising. Due to the fact that every school has a limited number of vacancies, and the more popular a school is, the greater the competition for these spots. Balloting, which is done in the form of an electronic lucky draw, comes into play when the number of applicants exceeds the available spaces in any of the five phases of the P1 Registration Exercise.

When Does Balloting Occur?

Balloting can happen in any phase where the demand exceeds supply. This means that even if you apply in an early phase, if there are more applicants than places available, you may still have to go through a ballot.

Who Gets Priority?

If a ballot is required, the Ministry of Education prioritises applicants based on their home-school distance. The priority order is as follows:

  1. Singaporean children living within 1km of the school
  2. Singaporean children living between 1km and 2km of the school
  3. Singaporean children living beyond 2km of the school

This means that families living closer to the school have a significant advantage in securing a place. For parents eyeing a highly sought-after school, home location plays a crucial role in the admission process.

What Can Parents Do?

Since school admission is as much about strategy as it is about preference, here are some steps parents can take:

  • Research past balloting trends of your preferred schools.
  • Consider schools where your home distance gives your child a better chance.
  • Have backup options in case balloting does not go in your favour.

While the process may seem daunting, understanding how balloting works can help you make informed decisions. Stay strategic and hopeful—the right school for your child is out there!

Recent Trends in P1 Registration and Balloting

Competition for spots in popular primary schools has intensified. In 2024, nearly half of all schools required balloting in Phase 2C, and many popular schools filled up before reaching Phase 2C Supplementary.

For instance, schools in high-demand areas such as Bukit Timah, Bishan, and Marine Parade often see a surge in applications. This makes early planning and strategic housing decisions essential if you are aiming for a particular school.

P1 Registration Phase 2A Balloting Results(2024)

Here is the list of primary schools which required balloting or were oversubscribed in Phase 2A in 2024. Schools which are not listed here did not require balloting in Phase 2A in 2024 which means that all their applicants during this phase were successful.
SchoolPhase 2A Ballot StatusVacancyApplied
AngsanaSC within 1km needs to ballot94115
FrontierSC within 1km needs to ballot5977
GongshangSC within 1km needs to ballot84196
HuaminSC within 1km needs to ballot7089
Jing ShanSC within 1km needs to ballot3049
Naval BaseSC within 1km needs to ballot5374
Princess ElizabethSC within 1km needs to ballot45142
RiversideSC within 1km needs to ballot7282
Sengkang GreenSC within 1km needs to ballot77116
ShuqunSC within 1km needs to ballot49115
Punggol GreenNo balloting. Offered only to SC residing within 1km of the school.7078
Elias ParkSC 1-2km needs to ballot2328
JunyuanSC 1-2km needs to ballot6693
North ViewSC 1-2km needs to ballot7581
Pei Hwa PresbyterianSC 1-2km needs to ballot75127
TemasekSC 1-2km needs to ballot69130
West SpringNo balloting. Offered only to SC residing within 2km of the school.5259
Ai TongSC outside 2km needs to ballot108141
Catholic HighSC outside 2km needs to ballot110131
CHIJ (Toa Payoh)SC outside 2km needs to ballot8688
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’SC outside 2km needs to ballot7696
Holy Innocents’SC outside 2km needs to ballot102114
Kuo Chuan PresbyterianSC outside 2km needs to ballot6672
Nan HuaSC outside 2km needs to ballot73102
NanyangSC outside 2km needs to ballot159203
Pasir RisSC outside 2km needs to ballot3339
Red SwastikaSC outside 2km needs to ballot8188
RosythSC outside 2km needs to ballot90104
RulangSC outside 2km needs to ballot8488
Singapore Chinese Girls’SC outside 2km needs to ballot7690
South ViewSC outside 2km needs to ballot88101
St. Hilda’sSC outside 2km needs to ballot76112
XinminSC outside 2km needs to ballot5865
YangzhengSC outside 2km needs to ballot2838
FengshanNo balloting. Offered to all SC5262
DazhongPR within 1km needs to ballot6162
HorizonPR within 1km needs to ballot8388
ValourPR within 1km needs to ballot6970
Source: Ministry of Education Singapore | Last updated: 2025

P1 Registration Phase 2B

Understanding How Parent Involvement Can Affect Primary School Admissions

At Lil’ but Mighty, we believe in the power of community and the positive influence that parent involvement can have on a child’s educational journey. When it comes to securing a spot in a primary school, certain criteria can give children a leg up, particularly when their parents are active in the community. Here’s a closer look at the various ways parent involvement can be done in order for a child to register in Phase 2B:

1. Parent Volunteers – A Commitment to Community Service

Did you know that parents who volunteer their time to a school can significantly impact their child’s admission chances? For a child to benefit from this, their parent must have joined the primary school as a parent volunteer by 1 July of the year before P1 registration. Furthermore, the parent must have contributed at least 40 hours of voluntary service to the school by 30 June of the year of P1 registration. This not only strengthens the bond between school and home but also shows a deep commitment to the school community.

2. Active Membership in Church or Clan Groups

In some cases, parents who are members of a church or clan directly connected with the primary school will be able to have their child apply in Phase 2B in the registration process. Schools often value strong community connections, and this affiliation can make a difference when it comes to securing a spot for your child. Being endorsed by such a group demonstrates the importance of community engagement and support.

3. Endorsement as an Active Community Leader

Finally, another key factor in the P1 registration process is whether a parent is seen as an active community leader. If a parent is endorsed as a community leader, this can reflect positively on the child’s application. The active role a parent plays in shaping the community showcases their commitment not only to the school but also to the wider society.

Phase 2B Balloting Results (2024)

Here is the list of primary schools which required balloting or were oversubscribed in Phase 2B in 2024. Schools which are not listed here did not require balloting in Phase 2B in 2024 which means that all their applicants during this phase were successful.
SchoolPhase 2B Ballot StatusVacancyApplied
Ai TongSC within 1km needs to ballot2053
Anglo-Chinese (Junior)SC within 1km needs to ballot3150
Anglo-Chinese (Primary)SC within 1km needs to ballot2934
Catholic HighSC within 1km needs to ballot2038
CHIJ (Toa Payoh)SC within 1km needs to ballot2042
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’SC within 1km needs to ballot2035
ChongfuSC within 1km needs to ballot2153
Fairfield MethodistSC within 1km needs to ballot2233
Henry ParkSC within 1km needs to ballot2127
Holy Innocents’SC within 1km needs to ballot2057
Kong HwaSC within 1km needs to ballot3671
Kuo Chuan PresbyterianSC within 1km needs to ballot2130
Methodist Girls’SC within 1km needs to ballot2550
Nan ChiauSC within 1km needs to ballot44112
Nan HuaSC within 1km needs to ballot2039
NanyangSC within 1km needs to ballot2050
Pei Chun PublicSC within 1km needs to ballot2730
RosythSC within 1km needs to ballot2029
RulangSC within 1km needs to ballot2037
Singapore Chinese Girls’SC within 1km needs to ballot2035
St. Hilda’sSC within 1km needs to ballot2033
Tao NanSC within 1km needs to ballot3162
Pasir RisNo balloting. Offered only to SC residing within 1km of the school.2021
Maris Stella HighSC 1-2km needs to ballot3244
St. Joseph’s Institution JuniorSC 1-2km needs to ballot4265
Red SwastikaNo balloting. Offered only to SC residing within 2km of the school.2023
South ViewNo balloting. Offered only to SC residing within 2km of the school.2021
Pei Hwa PresbyterianSC outside 2km needs to ballot2022
Princess ElizabethSC outside 2km needs to ballot2022
St. Anthony’sNo balloting. Offered to all SC & PR residing within 2km of the school3639
Source: Ministry of Education Singapore | Last updated: 2025

Here is a list of Catholic schools that require balloting:

  • Catholic High (SC within 1km needs to ballot)
  • CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ (SC within 1km needs to ballot)
  • Holy Innocents’ (SC within 1km needs to ballot)
  • Maris Stella High (SC 1-2km needs to ballot)
  • St. Joseph’s Institution Junior (SC 1-2km needs to ballot)
  • St. Anthony’s (PR within 2km all admitted, no leftover for further ballot)

List of Anglican schools that require balloting:

  • St. Hilda’s Primary School (SC within 1km needs to ballot)

List of Methodist schools that require balloting:

  • Anglo-Chinese School (Primary) (SC within 1km needs to ballot)
  • Anglo-Chinese School (Junior) (SC within 1km needs to ballot)
  • Fairfield Methodist School (Primary) (SC within 1km needs to ballot)
  • Methodist Girls’ School (SC within 1km needs to ballot)

List of Clan (Hokkien Huay Kuan) schools that require balloting:

  • Ai Tong School (SC within 1km needs to ballot)
  • Tao Nan School (SC within 1km needs to ballot)
  • Chongfu School (SC within 1km needs to ballot)
  • Nan Chiau Primary School (SC within 1km needs to ballot)
  • Kong Hwa School (SC within 1km needs to ballot)

List of Presbyterian schools that require balloting:

  • Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School (SC within 1km needs to ballot)
  • Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School (SC outside 2km needs to ballot)

P1 Registration Phase 2C

Although there are 40 places reserved in every primary school for Phase 2C, this phase in P1 registration in Singapore has become increasingly competitive, with many schools oversubscribed. In fact, nearly half of all schools in this phase have limited vacancies and resort to balloting. For parents navigating this process, it is crucial to manage expectations, prepare ahead by familiarising themselves with the registration guidelines, and consider alternative schools nearby. It is also helpful to be flexible, as some popular schools may be out of reach, but others could offer the right fit. Learn more about the process on CNA’s website here.

Phase 2C Balloting Results (2024)

Here is the list of primary schools which required balloting or were oversubscribed in Phase 2C in 2024. Schools which are not listed here did not require balloting in Phase 2C in 2024 which means that all their applicants during this phase were successful.
SchoolPhase 2C Ballot StatusVacancyApplied
AdmiraltySC within 1km needs to ballot69134
Ai TongSC within 1km needs to ballot4194
AlexandraSC within 1km needs to ballot5882
AndersonPR within 1km needs to ballot6064
Anglo-Chinese (Junior)SC 1-2km needs to ballot6376
Anglo-Chinese (Primary)SC outside 2km needs to ballot5974
AngsanaSC within 1km needs to ballot60155
Bukit PanjangSC within 1km needs to ballot43102
Bukit TimahPR outside 2km needs to ballot12973
CanberraSC 1-2km needs to ballot112130
Catholic HighSC within 1km needs to ballot4654
CHIJ (Toa Payoh)SC within 1km needs to ballot4183
CHIJ Our Lady of the NativityPR within 1km needs to ballot104110
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’SC within 1km needs to ballot4060
ChongfuSC within 1km needs to ballot43153
ChongzhengSC 1-2km needs to ballot96122
Chua Chu KangSC within 1km needs to ballot97127
CompassvaleSC within 1km needs to ballot112156
DazhongSC within 1km needs to ballot6094
Elias ParkSC within 1km needs to ballot6088
Fairfield MethodistSC within 1km needs to ballot4578
FengshanPR within 1km needs to ballot6276
FrontierSC within 1km needs to ballot4389
GongshangSC within 1km needs to ballot4199
Henry ParkSC within 1km needs to ballot4163
Holy Innocents’SC within 1km needs to ballot4096
Hong WenSC within 1km needs to ballot71124
HorizonSC within 1km needs to ballot5186
HougangSC within 1km needs to ballot85130
HuaminSC within 1km needs to ballot6097
Jing ShanSC 1-2km needs to ballot6071
JunyuanSC 1-2km needs to ballot6379
KemingSC within 1km needs to ballot81141
Kong HwaSC within 1km needs to ballot74110
Kuo Chuan PresbyterianSC within 1km needs to ballot4476
Maha BodhiSC 1-2km needs to ballot7696
Maris Stella HighSC within 1km needs to ballot67101
Mee TohSC within 1km needs to ballot130152
Methodist Girls’SC outside 2km needs to ballot5064
Nan ChiauSC within 1km needs to ballot88247
Nan HuaSC within 1km needs to ballot40160
NanyangSC within 1km needs to ballot4079
Naval BaseSC 1-2km needs to ballot5968
North ViewSC within 1km needs to ballot61109
NorthlandSC within 1km needs to ballot62170
NorthshoreSC within 1km needs to ballot128166
OasisPR within 1km needs to ballot6873
Opera EstatePR outside 2km needs to ballot8765
Pasir RisSC within 1km needs to ballot4174
Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’SC within 1km needs to ballot103139
Pei Chun PublicSC within 1km needs to ballot5767
Pei Hwa PresbyterianSC within 1km needs to ballot4166
Poi ChingSC within 1km needs to ballot79192
Princess ElizabethSC within 1km needs to ballot41270
PunggolSC within 1km needs to ballot91110
Punggol GreenSC within 1km needs to ballot59108
QifaSC 1-2km needs to ballot68104
Radin MasSC 1-2km needs to ballot5276
Raffles Girls’SC outside 2km needs to ballot135183
Red SwastikaSC within 1km needs to ballot4363
River ValleySC 1-2km needs to ballot8695
RiversideSC within 1km needs to ballot5677
RivervaleSC within 1km needs to ballot84115
RosythSC within 1km needs to ballot44139
RulangSC within 1km needs to ballot41115
SembawangSC 1-2km needs to ballot6688
Sengkang GreenSC within 1km needs to ballot4294
ShuqunSC within 1km needs to ballot4284
Singapore Chinese Girls’SC within 1km needs to ballot4061
South ViewSC within 1km needs to ballot43127
St. Andrew’s JuniorSC within 1km needs to ballot92130
St. Anthony’sSC within 1km needs to ballot72121
St. Hilda’sSC within 1km needs to ballot41129
St. Joseph’s Institution JuniorSC outside 2km needs to ballot86101
St. Margaret’sPR 1-2km needs to ballot111119
TampinesPR 1-2km needs to ballot8699
Tanjong KatongSC 1-2km needs to ballot73104
Tao NanSC within 1km needs to ballot6686
TemasekSC 1-2km needs to ballot5180
ValourSC within 1km needs to ballot6081
WaterwayPR within 1km needs to ballot9192
WellingtonSC within 1km needs to ballot45114
West SpringSC within 1km needs to ballot6073
WestwoodSC within 1km needs to ballot4983
XinminSC within 1km needs to ballot4593
YangzhengSC 1-2km needs to ballot5172
Yu NengSC within 1km needs to ballot4966
ZhangdePR 1-2km needs to ballot8595

Source: Ministry of Education Singapore | Last updated: 2025

P1 Registration Phase 2C Supplementary Balloting Results (2024)

Here is the list of primary schools which required balloting or were oversubscribed in Phase 2C(S) in 2024.

Unlike the previous phases, if a school is not listed here, it is due to one of the following reasons:
1) The school is filled by Phase 2C and has no more slots for registration in Phase 2C(S) 2024
2) The school still had slots but did not require balloting in Phase 2C(S) in 2024 which means that all applicants during this phase were successful
SchoolPhase 2C(S) Ballot StatusVacancyApplied
Fern GreenSC within 1km needs to ballot14
Jurong WestSC within 1km needs to ballot1725
SpringdaleSC within 1km needs to ballot517
Teck GheeSC within 1km needs to ballot715
White SandsSC within 1km needs to ballot212
XishanSC within 1km needs to ballot34107
ZhenghuaSC within 1km needs to ballot1837
ConcordSC 1-2km needs to ballot4869
EvergreenSC 1-2km needs to ballot2128
LakesideSC 1-2km needs to ballot2635
PeiyingSC 1-2km needs to ballot5189
Tampines NorthSC 1-2km needs to ballot130160
YishunSC 1-2km needs to ballot6874
QueenstownNo balloting. Offered only to SC residing within 2km of the school.2333
De La SalleSC outside 2km needs to ballot910
FernvaleSC outside 2km needs to ballot6669
Geylang MethodistSC outside 2km needs to ballot4448
Ngee AnnSC outside 2km needs to ballot2334
St. Gabriel’sSC outside 2km needs to ballot2034
Kheng ChengNo balloting. Offered to all SC. 3438
Yio Chu KangPR within 1km needs to ballot101108
Bukit ViewPR within 1km all admitted, no leftover for further ballot173178
CHIJ Our Lady of Good CounselPR within 2km all admitted, no leftover for further ballot6465

Source: Ministry of Education Singapore | Last updated: 2025

P1 Registration

How to Maximise Your Child’s Chances

If securing a place in a school of your choice for your child is your goal, consider these strategies:

  1. Plan Your Residence Early: From the above data, it is clear that proximity gives you a huge advantage in every phase from 2A onwards. Hence, if you are planning to move closer to the school e.g. within 1km, ensure that this is done by the time the P1 Registration Exercise begins. Your address which needs to be reflected on your NRIC will be used from the start of the P1 Registration Exercise for at least 30 months.
    MOE has strict checks to ensure a minimum residency period and your child will be transferred to another school with vacancies.
  2. Consider Alternative Schools: While certain schools are more attractive and popular, other schools may be a better fit for your child and still provide strong academic and holistic programmes.
  3. Stay Updated: Monitor MOE’s updates on vacancies, balloting trends, and any changes to the registration process.


P1 registration requires careful planning to give your child the best possible chance of securing a spot in your desired school. Whether you are considering moving within 1km of the school or 2km of the school, understanding the phases, balloting rules, and strategic preparation will be key.

Stay informed, plan ahead, and make the best decision for your child’s education journey!

Give Your Child a Strong Start with Lil’ but Mighty!

P1 registration is just the beginning of your child’s learning journey. Ensure they have the right foundation with our specialised P1 programme, designed to build confidence, essential English skills, and a love for learning. Let us support your child in making a smooth and successful transition to primary school. Find out more about our P1 programme today! 🚀

character cheese
Meet Mighty Monsterella, Lil' but Mighty's Cheese-tastic Games Master!

You’re probably wondering – who exactly am I? Well, let me tell you! I’m a talking chunk of mozzarella cheese, and while I love to have fun, I take English very seriously. My mission? To help you navigate through the trickiest parts of the English language and fight off any wrongs you might face.

Standing at an impressive 30 centimetres tall, I might be “lil’,” but I’m definitely mighty! So, whether you’re stuck in a grammar pickle or lost in a sea of vocabulary, I’m here to help. Get ready to play, learn, and master English with me by your side!

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