Hello, everyone! I am Ms Sharifah from Lil’ but Mighty and today, I am excited to share with you a very important update in PSLE Situational Writing. I previously shared a post about the change in the Continuous Writing component. Do check it out here if you have not!
Today, I shall be talking about another component affected by the change in syllabus which was announced by MOE: Situational Writing! Situational Writing is the component which opens doors for you to score full marks. However, strangely, I often hear students sharing their dislike for it. Perhaps you find it difficult to decide what to include in your answer or are clueless about how your ideas should be organised. Well, you have come to the right video!
Watch the video below
Changes in Situational Writing
Before we begin, let’s take a look at the change which I mentioned earlier. Take a look at this table to see the differences between the current syllabus and the 2025 syllabus.
2024 | from 2025 | Notes | ||
Task Fulfilment | 6 marks | 6 marks | No change in marks but change in task requirement | |
Language & Organisation |
9 marks | 8 marks | Change in marks only | |
Total | 15 marks | 14 marks | 1 mark taken and given to Oral (Paper 4)
As you can see, instead of a total of 15 marks, the new Situational Writing component will total up to 14 marks, with a decrease of 1 mark for Language and Organisation. In addition to that, although the marks for Task Fulfilment remains the same, which means that students would still need to include 6 content points to fulfil the task, one of these points will require students to come up with their own suggestion. Shall we take a closer look at each of these marking criteria to understand the changes better?
Task Fulfilment
To understand the new task requirement for Task Fulfilment, let’s take a look at a sample question that follows the new syllabus:
Your task: | ||||
Imagine you are Lily. You saw a poster advertising the fundraising event.
Write an email to Aunt Daisy to inform her about the upcoming event which she might You are to refer to the poster on the previous page for your email. |
In your email, include the following information:
● the name of the event You may reorder the points. Write in complete sentences. |
Take a look at the 5th bulleted point which is underlined. The underlined point indicates that the content cannot be found directly in the given stimulus.
Instead, you will have to come up with your own suggestion for it. This suggestion should, however, still be logical and related to the context given in the stimulus. Here are 3 steps you can follow to help you tackle this new requirement:
1. One: When analysing the content points, take note of which content point requires your own input. You may also wish to put a star next to it to remind yourself that the point will not be found directly in the stimulus.
2. Two: Highlight any information or clue(s) that relates to the point in the stimulus. There should be hints to help you generate ideas even though the actual point is not there. For example, is it mentioned what each activity is about?
3. Three: Draw a logical conclusion from the clue(s). For instance, if it is mentioned in the stimulus that “Beats to Life” features a local band playing popular tunes, then suggesting that both of you catch the live musical performances as Aunt Daisy has always enjoyed attending concerts would be logical here. The explanation that Aunt Daisy enjoys attending concerts should not be found in the stimulus.
Most importantly, remember that your content should show a clear understanding of the purpose, audience and context of the situation and address all the key information required by the task. Only then would you be assured of achieving the full 6 marks for Task Fulfilment!
Language and Organisation
As mentioned earlier in the video, the marks for this component is reduced by 1. Despite the reduction in mark, you should continue to check your work carefully. This is because you are still marked based on the same criteria:
1. Accurate use of language
This means not committing or minimising spelling, grammar, expression and punctuation mistakes. Hence, you should always revise commonly misspelt words, and ensure that you use standard English as well as write in complete sentences in your answer.
2. Excellent paragraphing, sequencing and linking of ideas, information and facts
Read through what you have written to check that all the key information has been arranged logically and structured in a way that is easy for the reader to follow. Use meaningful connectors and time phrases (e.g. Moreover, However, In the end etc.) to help link your points more coherently.
If you meticulously ensure that these criteria are met, there is definitely a high possibility for you to score full marks!
I hope this video has been helpful to you in understanding how to better equip yourself in tackling the Situational Writing component, especially with the change in task requirement.
For more tips on how to score for your Situational Writing, do check out our other posts! Have fun writing, budding writers!