Do you find yourselves struggling with the Vocabulary sections in Paper 2? Do thoughts like “How can I improve my vocabulary?”, “I don’t like reading!”, or “Why is English so difficult?!” often pop into your head? Hi, I am Ms Azmeera and in this blog post, we’ll explore how you can use a vocabulary list for P6 effectively to improve your language skills and boost your confidence! The P6 vocabulary list is an essential tool to help you tackle tricky synonyms, phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions, and more. Building a strong vocabulary is key to acing the PSLE, and with the right strategies, you can make it happen.
Tackling PSLE Vocabulary is no walk in the park. Students are tested on synonyms, phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions, collocations, and more. To ace this, building a strong foundation using a P6 vocabulary list is crucial.
Why Vocabulary Matters
Mastering vocabulary—and language as a whole—might seem like climbing a mountain. But here’s the good news: it’s achievable! The first step which is key is to read more and read widely. Yes, it may sound cliché, but this habit is proven to work wonders.
Start by making reading part of your daily routine. Gather a variety of materials, such as books, magazines, newspapers, and online articles. Dive into different genres and topics—it will help broaden your vocabulary while keeping things interesting.
Next, keep a list of words in a trusty notebook or in a file if you prefer to type out the words and definitions. This way, you can refer to them easily. Each time you encounter the same word or phrase, make a mark such as an asterisk beside it. This helps you to keep track of vocabulary which are commonly occurring and you can focus more on those during revision.
Lastly, use the vocabulary recorded as frequently and widely as you can! You can wish to pick 5 words or phrases to focus on and to find opportunities to use them each day. One fun way of doing this is to write the words on a post-it note and paste it on a wall. (For me, I will paste it at the entrance of my kitchen!) Each time that you go past that post-it, think of a sentence with one of the words or phrases or look at the definition of the word/ phrase again. The more you use the word/phrase, the more likely you will retain it in your vocabulary bank!
And don’t worry if you’re unsure of how to get started on building! Use these vocabulary lists for P6 as your starting point.
P6 Vocabulary List from Methodist Girls’ School Prelims 2024
P6 Tested Vocabulary |
1 |
Affirm (verb) |
to strengthen a feeling, belief, or idea |
2 |
Attest (verb) |
to show or prove that something is true |
3 |
Bite the bullet (idiom) |
to deal with an unpleasant or dangerous situation (because you cannot avoid it any longer) |
4 |
Break the ice (idiom) |
to make people feel more friendly and willing to talk to each other |
5 |
Bring on (phrasal verb) |
to make something bad or unpleasant happen |
6 |
Dedicated (adjective) |
someone who dedicated works very hard at what they do because they care a lot about it |
7 |
Displaced (verb) |
to make a group of people or animals have to leave the place where they normally live |
8 |
Disruption (noun) |
a situation in which something is prevented from continuing in its usual way |
9 |
Extricate (verb) |
to remove someone from a place in which they are trapped |
10 |
Lapse (noun) |
a short period of time during which you fail to do something well or properly, often caused by not being careful |
11 |
Oversight (noun) |
a mistake in which you forget something or do not notice something |
12 |
Resolved (verb) |
to make a definite decision to do something |
13 |
Restriction (noun) |
a rule or law that limits or controls what people can do |
14 |
Tirelessly (adverb) |
working very hard in a determined way without stopping |
15 |
Tribute (noun) |
something that you say, do, or give in order to express your respect or admiration for someone |
5 Words to Pay Attention To
1. Bring on (phrasal verb)
Definition: to make something bad or unpleasant happen
How it can be tested: bring on a crisis, bring on symptoms
Example sentence: Sam died of a heart attack, brought on by his lifestyle and unhealthy diet.
2. Displaced (verb)
Definition: to make a group of people or animals have to leave the place where they normally live How it can be tested: displaced by the civil war, displaced civilians, displaced from their homes
Example sentence: In Sudan, over 8.1 million people have been internally displaced since April 2023.
3. Lapse (noun)
Definition: a short period of time during which you fail to do something well or properly, often caused by not being careful
How it can be tested: lapse of concentration, lapse in security
Example sentence: Tom’s momentary lapse of concentration allowed his opponents to score a goal.
4. Oversight (noun)
Definition: a mistake in which you forget something or do not notice something
How it can be tested: a minor oversight, due to an oversight, to avoid/prevent an oversight
Example sentence: Due to the bank’s oversight, the money had not been credited to my account.
5. Resolved (verb)
Definition: to make a definite decision to do something
How it can be tested: resolved to do something
Example sentence: After being hospitalised last month, Uncle Jason resolved to quit smoking.
P6 Vocabulary list from Pei Chun Public School Prelims 2024 Paper
P6 Tested Vocabulary |
Definition |
1 |
Animated (adjective) |
showing a lot of interest and energy |
2 |
Call on/upon (phrasal verb) |
3 |
Delinquents (noun) |
a person, usually young, who behaves in a way that is illegal or not acceptable to most people |
4 |
Devoted (adjective) |
extremely loving and loyal |
5 |
Entice (verb) |
to persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant |
6 |
Enhance (verb) |
to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something |
7 |
Gradually (adverb) |
slowly, over a period of time or a distance |
8 |
Incessant (adjective) |
continuing without stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way |
9 |
Morose (adjective) |
unhappy, annoyed, and unwilling to speak or smile |
10 |
Nonchalantly (adverb) |
in a calm manner, often in a way that suggests that you are not interested or do not care |
11 |
Notorious (adjective) |
famous or well-known for something bad |
12 |
Rapidly (adverb) |
very quickly and in a very short time |
13 |
Renowned (adjective) |
known and admired by a lot of people, especially for a special skill, achievement, or quality |
14 |
Sole (adjective) |
being one only; single |
15 |
Sway (noun) |
control or influence |
5 Words to Pay Attention To
1. Entice (verb)
Definition: to persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant
How it can be tested: entice somebody to do something, entice into/away/from
Example sentence: The advertisement entices shoppers to buy the latest gadget released by Samsung.
2. Gradually (adverb)
Definition: continuing without stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way
How it can be tested: gradually receded, gradually decreases, gradually realises/learns that
Example sentence: Most patients gradually develop a resistance to the drug prescribed to them.
3. Incessant (adjective)
Definition: continuing without stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way
How it can be tested: incessant noise, incessant rain, incessant complaints
Example sentence: Mary was annoyed by the child’s incessant talking throughout her flight from Singapore to Melbourne, Australia.
4. Renowned (adjective)
Definition: known and admired by a lot of people, especially for a special skill, achievement, or quality
How it can be tested: renowned for (something); renowned as (something), internationally renowned, world renowned (something)
Example sentence: Mallorca is renowned for its beautiful coastline, secluded coves, picturesque villages and Spanish architecture.
5. Sole (adjective)
Definition: being one only; single
How it can be tested: sole survivor, sole responsibility, sole purpose, sole concern
Example sentence: The sole survivor was Pilot Adam McCoy who somehow managed to parachute out of the plane before it crashed in the mountains.
List of P6 Vocabulary from Red Swastika Prelims 2024 Paper
P6 Tested Vocabulary |
Definition |
1 |
Accumulate (verb) |
To collect a large number of things over a long period of time |
2 |
Artefact (noun) |
An object that has been made by a person, such as a tool or decoration, especially on that is of historical interest |
3 |
Diminish (verb) |
To reduce or be reduced in size or importance |
4 |
Grasp (verb) |
To take and hold something firmly |
5 |
Intimidated (adjective) |
Frightened or nervous because you are not confident in a situation |
6 |
Lament (verb) |
To express feelings of great sadness about something |
7 |
Legacy (noun) |
Something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time |
8 |
Leisurely (adverb) |
Used to describe an action that is done in a relaxed way, without hurrying |
9 |
Let up (phrasal verb) |
(i) (bad weather) To become less severe or harmful |
10 |
Memorabilia (noun) |
Objects that are collected because they are connected with a person or event that is thought to be very interesting |
11 |
Reluctantly (adverb) |
In a way that shows that you are not willing to do something and are therefore slow to do it |
12 |
Retort (verb) |
To answer someone quickly in an angry or funny way |
13 |
Startled (adjective) |
Surprised and slightly frightened |
14 |
Vicious (adjective) |
Violent and cruel in a way that hurts someone physically |
15 |
Vividly (adverb) |
In a way that is very clear, powerful, and detailed in your mind |
5 Words to Pay Attention To
1. Accumulate (verb)
Definition: To collect a large number of things over a long period of time
How it can be tested: accumulate wealth, accumulate debt, accumulate evidence, accumulate over the years
Example sentence: By the late 1950s, scientists had accumulated enough evidence to show a clear link between smoking and cancer.
2. Diminish (verb)
Definition: To reduce or be reduced in size or importance
How it can be tested: diminish greatly/significantly, gradually diminishes, diminish rapidly
Example sentence: The strength of the army was greatly diminished due to outbreaks of diseases.
3. Lament (verb)
Definition: To express feelings of great sadness about something
How it can be tested: lament that/the fact that, lament the lack/absence/decline of something
Example sentence: The nation lamented the passing of its first president.
4. Let up (Phrasal verb)
Definition: To stop working as hard as you were
How it can be tested: let up on
Example sentence: The police insist that they are not letting up on their campaign against human trafficking.
5. Vividly (adverb)
Definition: In a way that is very clear, powerful, and detailed in your mind
How it can be tested: vividly remembers/recalls, vivid imagination, vivid picture, vivid description
Example sentence: Grandfather vividly remembers watching the fuzzy footage of the first moon landing.
List of P6 Vocabulary from Singapore Chinese Girls’ School Prelims 2024 Paper
P6 Tested Vocabulary |
Definition |
1 |
Accustomed (adjective) |
Familiar with something |
2 |
Catalyst (noun) |
An event or person that causes great change |
3 |
Fell out (phrasal verb) |
To argue with someone and stop being friendly with them |
4 |
Fell through (phrasal verb) |
To fail to happen |
5 |
Hindrance (noun) |
Something that makes it more difficult for you to do something or for something to develop |
6 |
Intricate (adjective) |
Having a lot of small parts that are arranged in a complicated or delicate way |
7 |
Meticulously (adverb) |
In a way that shows great care and attention to detail |
8 |
Mitigate (verb) |
To make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad |
9 |
Obstinate (adjective) |
Unreasonably determined, especially to act in a particular way and not to change at all, despite what anyone else says |
10 |
Pilgrim (noun) |
A person who makes a journey, often a long and difficult one, to a special place for religious reasons |
11 |
Placate (verb) |
To stop someone from feeling angry |
12 |
Promptly (adverb) |
Quickly, without delay, or at the arranged time |
13 |
Tenacious (adjective) |
Determined to do something and unwilling to stop trying even when the situation becomes difficult |
14 |
Troupe (noun) |
A group of performers such as singers or dancers who work and travel together |
15 |
Unabashed (adjective) |
Not ashamed or embarrassed, especially when doing something unusual or rude |
5 Words to Pay Attention To
1. Accustomed (adjective)
Definition: Familiar with something
How it can be tested: accustomed to
Example sentence: We are accustomed to thinking of sharks as dangerous creatures due to media representation.
2. Fell out (phrasal verb)
Definition: To argue with someone and stop being friendly with them
How it can be tested: fall out with, fall out over
Example sentence: After Seamus fell out with his parents, he packed his bags and left home.
3. Fell through (phrasal verb)
Definition: To fail to happen
How it can be tested: arrangement/plan/deal falls through
Example sentence: The business partners wanted to turn the estate into a private golf course, but the deal fell through.
4. Meticulously (adverb)
Definition: In a way that shows great care and attention to detail
How it can be tested: meticulously clean, meticulously planned
Example sentence: The ambush was meticulously planned and executed by the troop.
5. Mitigate (verb)
Definition: To make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad
How it can be tested: mitigate the effects, mitigate anger, mitigate the costs, mitigate losses
Example sentence: Measures need to be taken to mitigate the environmental effects of burning more coal.
Final Words
Remember, building a robust vocabulary takes time and consistent effort. There is no magic trick to mastering your vocabulary list for P6, but starting now and committing to daily improvement will pay off during the PSLE.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab your reading materials, start creating your own vocabulary list or begin with the P6 vocabulary lists above, and get cracking today!