Hello everyone! Today, I am back with another post on phrasal verbs that you can add to your flashcards. Do follow along closely as there will be a quiz later where you can practise on your phrasal verbs! Ready? Let’s begin!
In this video, we will be learning about phrases verbs with ‘call’ and ‘cut’. Take note as I go through the meanings and sentence examples with you.
Watch the video below!
Let’s now see if you are able to remember the phrasal verbs I have gone through. For each question, there are four options given but there is only one correct answer. Remember to use the clues within each sentence to help you pick the answer accurately!
Question 1
I will be the first person to ________ you ________ if I see you doing something wrong.
- call…off
- call…on
- call…out
- call…in
Answer for Question 1
The correct answer is option (3) because I will not hesitate to criticise you if I see you doing something wrong.
Question 2
It is rude of you to ________ when I am talking to your aunt.
- cut in
- cut out
- cut down
- cut off
Answer for Question 2
Since it is rude to interrupt someone when they are speaking, the correct answer is option (1).
Question 3
Tom is ________ on his daily expenditure in order to save up for his trip in August.
- cutting off
- cutting in
- cutting down
- cutting out
Answer for Question 3
Tom wants to save up for his trip so he needs to reduce his daily expenditure. In this instance, the correct answer is option (3).
Question 4
The party was ________ as the birthday girl was unwell.
- called out
- called in
- called out
- called off
Answer for Question 4
The correct answer is option (4). The party had to be cancelled since the birthday girl was ill and hence unable to attend her own party.
So how did you do? If you were able to answer correctly for all the questions, well done! If you did not, not to worry because practice makes perfect. Continue to revise these phrasal verbs and I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it very soon. F
or more phrasal verbs, you can also check out Part 1 here. Till next time, keep pushing forward!
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