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How to Implement A Smart Study System!

Hello, everyone! I’m Ms Genevieve, and I’m here to share more English tips and strategies with you on the Lil’ but Mighty blog. In my previous post, I wrote about how finding the right type of music can improve your concentration and help you focus while you complete your revision. In this post, I will attempt to explain how you can create a smart study system to help you prepare for the upcoming examinations.

How to create an effective study system

How do you study smart? Some students find it easier to spend an hour creating elaborate flash quiz cards to help them master new vocabulary words, while others might keep a spreadsheet of words they are unsure of and memorise these words. While there are different strokes for different folks, one thing that all these students have in common is that they make it a point to create a study system that works for them. In today’s post, I’ll share some tips on creating an effective study system and hopefully, you can use them to create one which works for you.

What is a study system, and why do you need it?

A study system is a set of strategies and methods that helps students organise their studies and improve their results. It is designed to help students learn better and faster. A study system can be used for any subject, whether you are in primary or secondary school. It breaks a formidable task into accomplishable chunks. Plus, it frees up your energy to focus on learning rather than the mountain of assignments you have. It can help you organise your time and ensure that you spend the right amount of time on each subject.

Let me show you how you can implement a smart study system in three simple steps. Take a look at the list below:

1. Sort by subject and start with the easiest task

After a long day at school, it is challenging to get started on your homework. You are tempted to wind down and text your friends. Watching Netflix sounds definitely more appealing than completing your composition assignment.

Some assignments could take an entire evening to complete, while others may take just minutes. A good way to prevent procrastination is to sort out your homework by subject and complete the easiest assignment first. To make good use of your time, start with either the easiest task or your favourite subject. This will boost your confidence and spur you to continue working on other assignments.

2. Schedule your day

It is satisfying to make a list of all the tasks you’ll need to get done and cross off the items as you move along the day. While this is a great method to stay organised, it is not easy to allocate time for your other activities or plan a revision for an upcoming test.

Creating a schedule for your day makes it easier for you to take control of your time. Instead of committing to a deadline and beating yourself up for not achieving it, set an intention and a plan to work towards it consistently. For example: I will start on my composition at 5pm and finish it by dinner time. According to the author of Atomic Habits, James Clear, when you write out your intentions, you rely less on willpower and motivation to act.

Every morning, rip a sheet of paper from your notebook. Then, block out the hours you will be in school or attending enrichment classes. Blocking out your time is a great way to visualise your schedule and determine how much time you have on your plate. This gives you a realistic idea of what you can achieve for the day.

In the white spaces, partition your time into one-hour blocks. You can assign these blocks to revision, specific projects, and other activities. A good tip to remember when doing this: try grouping related tasks into a time block. You can group them either by subject or level of difficulty. Remember to make time for fun and rest too. This time-blocking step which takes minutes to implement, assures you that you are working on huge projects without neglecting the little tasks.How to Implement A Smart Study System!

Sample of what the daily time-blocking schedule looks like.

3. Employ the Pomodoro Technique

The secret to staying in control of your time is to keep it manageable. This does not mean you will never have time to do all the things you want – you just need to break them into smaller steps.

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.


The Pomodoro Technique works like this:

  1. Decide on the topic you’ll be studying
  2. Set a timer for 25 minutes, or you can use the Forest App
  3. After a 25-minute cycle, you may take a 5-10 minute break.

If you finish a task or topic area before the Pomodoro ends, use the remaining time to review what you have learned or to prepare study material for the next Pomodoro session.

Need some additional motivation?

Try downloading the Forest application on your mobile phone. The forest app will show a Pomodoro timer and a little growing tree bud that slowly grows throughout your study time. If you leave the app halfway, your tree will die. You can also use this app to set up an accountability study buddy system with your friends.


I hope you find these tips useful. Do you have a study system that works for you? Share it with us in the comments section. Check out our other blog posts for more study and English revision tips!

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Ms. Genevieve

Ms. Genevieve has been teaching at tuition centres for six years, specialising in creative writing. She continues to mine fascinating insights from advertising, pop culture, and music to liven up her classrooms. A firm believer that small steps can lead to remarkable results, she is excited to ignite a love for learning with her novel teaching approaches at Lil’ but Mighty.

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