Welcome back to the blog! Previously, I talked about Literature, a new subject that is mandatory for all lower secondary students. If you have missed it and are interested to know more, click here!
Today, the focus of the blog post will be to share an overview of what the scheme of assessment for an O (Ordinary) or NA (Normal Academic) English Language paper is like. To learn more about the differences between the O and NA examination levels, you can go to this website.
For O/NA level, candidates will have to sit for 4 papers in total. I will expand on Paper 1 and Paper 2 in more detail later. I will not be delving into detail Papers 3 and 4 in today’s post. It will be good to note that these papers in the Secondary school syllabus differ from the Primary school syllabus in terms of the difficulty/complexity of the text and questions.
Although the components tested for the O and NA level papers are the same, the difficulty level and the way which some of the components are tested differ. I have outlined the differences for each component where applicable in the upcoming section.
Secondary English Paper 1: Writing
Paper 2: Comprehension
I hope this has helped to shed light on what you can expect to be tested on for Secondary English language paper. Overall, more advanced language skills are required of the students to be able to tackle secondary English language papers. If you wish to know more about the differences between Primary and Secondary school English, stay tuned for the next blog post on the differences between primary and secondary school English! See you in the next blog post!