Ever wondered how to tackle Secondary School English Editing? In this video, I will be focusing on the Editing component found in the O Level Paper 1.
For those of you who are unfamiliar or new to this component, allow me to highlight these important points:
- This section requires you to identify and edit grammatical errors in a prose text. This is different from the editing component in primary school where you need to identify grammatical as well as spelling errors.
- The text consists of 12 lines, and the first and last lines are correct.
- For eight of the lines, there is one grammatical error each. You are required to circle each error and write the correct answer in the space provided.
- There are two more lines with no errors. You will need to identify these two lines and put a tick for each of the answers.
This is also the component in which my students often make careless mistakes. They would always ask me the same question: How can I minimise the number of careless mistakes I make for editing? And so in this video, I will share four useful tips and habits you can all practise which can help you minimise the careless mistakes you make for this particular section. Watch on!
Before I bid you farewell, let’s recap the 4 things you can practise to minimise careless mistakes when attempting the editing component:
- Use the SPCA checklist to review your work
- Read the first line in the passage to check for tense
- Read the passage sentence by sentence
- Revisit and redo completed editing practices
This brings us to the end of this video. I hope that you’ll find these tips useful and put them to good use in future. Until my next post, stay happy, stay safe, and stay healthy. See you again!